Syria: ‘Free Syrian Army’ collaborator of United States and Israel

terrorist.bombing.Damascus1Car bomb explosion rocks Syrian capital

20.12.2004 – Hezbollah: Not Just Israel’s Problem

13.6.2006 – Sherman: Israeli Reaction a Justified Response to Repeated Hezbollah Provocations

26.7.2006 – Hezbollah, Israel, and the lessons of 1982

26.9.2006 – US Says Hezbollah Still Strong After War With Israel

21.4.2011 – Secretary Clinton Meets With Dutch Foreign Minister Rosenthal
Secretary Clinton Meets With Dutch Foreign Minister Rosenthal

8.10.2012 – Dutch Foreign Minister Rosenthal, a Dutchman’s Vendetta Against Hezbollah

14.10.2012 – Report in ‘Sunday Times’ says UAV struck down over Negev beamed images of IDF preparation for joint US exercise.

18.12.2012 – Bulgaria asks for permanent US troops presence

29.1.2013 – NATO crisis management center opens in Bulgaria

30.1.2013 – Israeli Airstrike in Syria Targets Arms Convoy, U.S. Says

16.2.2013 – Hezbollah warns Israel not to count on weaker Syria

18.2.13 – Thomas E. Donilon, U.S. National Security Adviser: ‘EU must include Hezbollah in terrorist list. Europe can no longer ignore the threat that this group poses to the Continent and to the world.’

18.2.2013 – Israel and Syria: Behind the Bombs

18.2.2013 – Israel enters the ‘civil war’ in Syria

19.2.2013 – Bulgaria Presses Europeans to Toughen Stance on Hezbollah

19.2.2013 – Hezbollah, Syria and the Golan Heights, Jerusalem Post

21.2.2013 – Dichter Slams EU Delay in Blacklisting Hezbollah

21.2.2013 – Peres urges EU to put Hezbollah on terror list

21.2.2013 – Latest News Syria: US backed terrorists threaten Hezbollah

21.2.2013 – Israel Presses EU to Place Hezbollah on Terror List

21.2.2013 – 2 hours ago – William Hague discusses Hezbollah with Lebanese president

(The first 4O pages of the search results for ‘United States Israel Hezbollah’ on Google always repeat that Hezbollah should be seen as a ‘terrorist organization’. It is on this way that the news about the war on Syria is manipulated by the western media)

Photo: US-backed terrorist-attack in Syria (21.2.2013)


American ‘Peace Process’

Obama signed a secret order authorizing U.S. support for Syrian terrorists seeking to depose Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government. Obama’s order, approved earlier this year and known as an intelligence “finding,” broadly permits the CIA and other U.S. agencies to provide support that could help the terrorists oust Assad. C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey. The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The United States is setting up joint military, intelligence and medical working teams with Israel, Turkey and Jordan.

About kruitvat

I am working for the Belgian human rights association 'Werkgroep Morkhoven' which revealed the Zandvoort childporn case (88.539 victims). The case was covered up by the authorities. During the past years I have been really shocked by the way the rich countries of the western empire want to rule the world. One of my blogs: «Latest News Syria» (WordPress)/ Je travaille pour le 'Werkgroep Morkhoven', un groupe d'action qui a révélé le réseau pornographique d'enfants 'Zandvoort' (88.539 victims). Cette affaire a été couverte par les autorités. Au cours des dernières années, j'ai été vraiment choqué par la façon dont l'Occident et les pays riches veulent gouverner le monde. Un de mes blogs: «Latest News Syria» (WordPress)/ Ik werk voor de Werkgroep Morkhoven die destijds de kinderpornozaak Zandvoort onthulde (88.539 slachtoffers). Deze zaak werd door de overheid op een misdadige manier toegedekt. Gedurende de voorbije jaren was ik werkelijke geschokt door de manier waarop het rijke westen de wereld wil overheersen. Bezoek onze blog «Latest News Syria» (WordPress) ------- Photo: victims of the NATO-bombings on the Chinese embassy in Yougoslavia
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1 Response to Syria: ‘Free Syrian Army’ collaborator of United States and Israel

  1. kruitvat says:

    Obama signed a secret order authorizing U.S. support for Syrian terrorists seeking to depose Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government. Obama’s order, approved earlier this year and known as an intelligence “finding,” broadly permits the CIA and other U.S. agencies to provide support that could help the terrorists oust Assad. C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey. The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The United States is setting up joint military, intelligence and medical working teams with Israel, Turkey and Jordan.

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