U.S. undermining Geneva 2



US fuelling Syrian carnage

Jan 30, 2014

The United States increased more than twice its supply of light weaponry and munitions to militants linked to the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA)’s Supreme Military Command in the month of January.

Accordingly, the country has delivered over 600 tons of military aid to militants since the launch of the Geneva II crisis talks in Switzerland on January 22.

The Supreme Military Command is aligned to the Western-backed opposition Syrian National Coalition (SNC) which is currently in talks with the government.

Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Feisal al-Meqdad has slammed Washington for supporting “terrorist groups,” with Damascus issuing a separate statement accusing the US of “undermining” the Geneva II talks.

The opposition and its Western supporters insist that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad must step down and a transitional government be formed in Syria.

Damascus rejects the demand, arguing that the foreign-backed SNC does not represent the Syrian opposition.



20 January 2008 – Al Qaeda and the “War on Terrorism”

July 17, 2012 – USA and Al Qaeda: Holy Alliance:

June 17, 2013 – Obama Lies America Into Another War:

September 25, 2013 – Breaking: Whistleblower Reveals U.S. State Dept. Ships Arms Directly to al-Qaeda – A former CIA gun runner revealed that the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, was killed in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in order to cover up the U.S. State Department’s direct arm shipments to al-Qaeda

December 16, 2013 – Al-Qaeda Now Has Weapons US Sent To Syria
For those worried that dumping US arms into the Al-Qaeda dominated Syrian opposition areas was a bad idea, you win. After President Obama bypassed a rule on funding terrorists, US arms began flowing to the Syrian opposition. The arms were, in some abysmally stupid theory, supposed to go to the “moderate” opposition only.

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U.S. undermining Geneva II


Ban-ki Moon.Obam.plane


Syria gov’t slams U.S. rearmament of rebels as undermining Geneva II


DAMASCUS, Jan. 28 (Xinhua) — The Syrian official delegation to the Geneva II conference slammed on Tuesday the U.S. decision to restart sending non-lethal help to the Syrian rebels, saying the move aims to thwart the success of the peace talks, according to the state-run SANA news agency.

Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad said the U.S. decision “aims at thwarting the conference,” stressing that the side which provides weapons to terrorist groups doesn’t care about the conference’s success.

“The U.S. decision is a very bad message because Washington has launched this conference, and it should not support the armed terrorist groups as they know that the weapons, which had been previously sent, flowed into the terrorists,” Mekdad said, according to SANA.

The remarks came a day after Western reports said that Washington has restarted sending non-lethal aid to the “moderate” rebels in Syria, after suspending its previous aid for a month.

The latest move raised the ire of the Syrian government.

Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi said that the U.S. decision reflects Washington’s backtracking on the political solution.

He wondered: “How can the U.S. position be supportive to Geneva II and aim at reaching a political solution when at the same time it supports, creates and backs up terrorism, violence and the military option?”

For her part, Syria’s Presidential Political and Media Advisor Bouthaina Shaaban said that the U.S. decision is contradictory to the efforts exerted by Russia, the U.S., and the international community for launching the Geneva II conference.

She refuted the U.S. allegations on so-called “non-lethal weapons,” saying that all of the weapons that are being funneled inside Syria, end up in the hands of the radical groups.

The Geneva II conference has started last week and will end on Friday. However, no breakthrough has resulted from the conference so far as both the opposition and government delegations are holding tight to their demands.

The Syrian government wants the conference to focus on fighting terrorism while the opposition’s delegation wants the establishment of a transitional government with full executives without any role for President Bashar al-Assad.


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War or Peace: Rockefeller and Bilderberg


In 1991 David Rockefeller said at the Bilderberg meeting in Essen:  “We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

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Geneva 2 Syria: blocked by the U.S. and its allies


Coalition delegation of so-called “opposition” rejects a political communiqué containing principles submitted by official Syrian delegaiton

Geneva, Jan 27, 2014 (SANA delegate) – The Syrian Arab Republic’s official delegation to the Geneva 2 Conference presented a “basic elements of a political communiqué” containing principles which the coalition delegation of the so-called “opposition” rejected.

The communiqué affirms respecting Syria’s sovereignty, restoring its usurped lands, preserving its establishments, and abandoning all forms of extremism, fanaticism and takfiri ideas.

The communiqué rejects all forms of interference or foreign dictation, with the Syrians deciding upon their country’s future using democratic methods, in addition to asserting that that it’s not permissible to relinquish any part of Syria.

The communiqué stresses that the Syrian Arab Republic is a democratic country based on the basis of political pluralism, the rule of law, independence of the judiciary and citizenship, and protecting national unity and cultural diversity of the components of the Syrian society and protecting public freedom, and the Syrians are the ones who have have the right to choose their political system withoutout compromising on any subject unacceptable to the syrian people from any imposed formulae.

The communiqué asks all countries to prevent supplying weapons or training or harboring terrorists, and also stopping all kinds of media hatred incitment to perpetrate terrorist acts in accordance with international resolutions relevant to combating terrorism.

The communiqué also noted that the state establishment cost people money and hard work and therefore must be preserved, in addition to stressing the need to preserve and protect all state establishments and utilities, infrastructure, and public and private properties.

Sources close to the Syrian official delegation to Geneva asserted that the delegation was and still is open to discussing all points, but it proposed these principles which no patriotic Syrian would reject in order to find common ground, yet the coalition delegation of the so-called “opposition” rejected them.

English Bulletin



14  January, 2014 – Geneva II – Washington’s Plan B for Regime Change in Syria http://www.intifada-palestine.com/2014/01/geneva-ii-washingtons-plan-b-regime-change-syria/

Jan 22, 2014 – Geneva II: Iran nixed proves US fixed – There is a good reason why Iran has been blocked from attending the Geneva II conference on Syria – because the meeting is not about finding a peaceful settlement. Rather, it is merely an American mechanism for engineering regime change in Syria.

Photo: President Obama and his friend, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. The United States is responsible for supplying arms to saudi arabia and terrorist groups in Syria.

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Syrie: la Chine propose un cessez-le-feu par étapes


PEKIN, 31 octobre 2012

La Chine appelle toutes les forces impliquées dans le conflit syrien à cesser progressivement les hostilités, a déclaré mardi le ministre chinois des Affaires étrangères Yang Jiechi lors d’une rencontre avec le représentant spécial de l’ONU et de la Ligue arabe Lakhdar Brahimi en visite à Pékin.
Selon un communiqué mis en ligne sur le site de la diplomatie chinoise, Pékin a formulé un plan de quatre points visant à régler le conflit en Syrie.
Ce document prévoit notamment une “cessation efficace des hostilités, effectuée graduellement et par étapes”. Il s’agit de stopper d’urgence les affrontements dans différentes régions syriennes pour élargir progressivement la zone du cessez-le-feu à l’ensemble du pays. Cette solution permettrait d’opérer un “désengagement des parties” et, finalement, de “mettre un terme aux hostilités et aux violences”.
Toutes les parties en conflit seront invitées à désigner des représentants chargés de concevoir une “feuille de route politique” sous médiation de M. Brahimi et de mettre en place une “structure gouvernementale de transition”.
Selon le porte-parole de la diplomatie chinoise Hong Lei, la nouvelle initiative de Pékin est fondée sur le “plan Annan”, les résolutions du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU et le communiqué de la conférence de Genève sur la Syrie. Cette initiative prend également en compte les récents développements de la situation dans ce pays.



Moscou et Paris hostiles à l’éclatement de la Syrie

PARIS, 31 octobre 2012

Moscou et Paris coïncident sur la nécessité d’empêcher l’éclatement de la Syrie et d’endiguer la propagation du terrorisme dans la région sur fond de crise dans ce pays, a estimé mercredi à Paris le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov.
“Quant à la Syrie, nos approches et positions sont proches, notre désir étant de ne pas tolérer l’éclatement de ce pays, sa division ethnique et confessionnelle”, a déclaré M.Lavrov lors d’une conférence de presse à l’issue d’une réunion du Conseil de coopération franco-russe sur les questions de sécurité (CCQS).



La Chine exhorte les parties belligérantes en Syrie à entamer la réconciliation politique

MONTREUX (Suisse), 22 janvier 2014 (Xinhua) — Le ministre chinois des Affaires étrangères Wang Yi a rencontré mercredi à Montreux, en Suisse, les représentants du gouvernement et de l’opposition de Syrie en marge de la conférence de Genève II, tout en exhortant les deux parties à travailler sérieusement à la réconciliation politique.

Après avoir été informé séparément par le vice-Premier ministre et ministre des Affaires étrangères syrien Walid Mouallem, et le président de la Coalition nationale syrienne (opposition) Ahmad Al-Jarba, M. Wang a indiqué aux deux parties que le règlement politique est la seule voie pratique et viable pour résoudre la crise syrienne qui dure depuis trois ans.

Il a rappelé que le fait que les parties belligérantes se soient réunies pour la première fois représentait un exploit en soi. Bien qu’elles aient des positions nettement contradictoires, les deux parties devraient saisir cette opportunité et avancer étape par étape vers une réconciliation politique.


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Les relations diplomatiques entre la France et la Chine, un souvenir…


Dans le cadre de la célébration du 50ème anniversaire de l’établissement des relations diplomatiques entre la France et la Chine, un souvenir…

Le dernier rêve du Général de Gaulle, venir en Chine !


Quelque mois avant sa mort, le 9 novembre 1970, le Général de Gaulle préparait activement son voyage en Chine, un rêve qu’il formait depuis longtemps. Parce qu’il avait été le premier chef d’Etat occidental à reconnaître la République Populaire de Chine, en 1964, il avait le souhait de réaffirmer ce geste par une présence sur le sol chinois, ce qu’il n’avait pas accompli durant l’exercice de ses mandats présidentiels. Sans doute voulait faire résonner aussi le mot d’esprit qu’on lui prête : « La Chine est un grand pays habité par des Chinois. » En vue du voyage, le Général s’enquit des meilleurs lectures : « La Condition humaine » d’André Malraux ; « un Barbare en Asie » d’Henri Michaux et surtout les merveilleux récits du père jésuite Matteo Ricci que l’on appelle en Chine Lì Mǎdòu (利瑪竇) or Xītài (西泰) selon que l’on se trouve dans le Hebei ou le Hunan. Il consulta encore le journal de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, philosophe et en Chine paléontologue dans le désert de Gobi, avec une interrogation en filigrane. Comment se fait-il que cet intellectuel de premier plan n’ait pas rejoint Londres en 1940 ? Se peut-il que la Chine soit si absorbante ? Quelle étrange culture étreint ce pays ? Parcourant les allées de la Boisserie, le Général cherche à éclaircir ce mystère. Les hommes de la longue marche (Chángzhēng 长征) ne portaient-ils pas à cœur leur engagement comme le firent autant les Français Libres en 1940 se demande-t-il. L’engagement, n’est-ce pas le commencement de tout ? C’est alors que naissent les premières strophes du discours qu’il entendait prononcer devant Mao Zedong (毛泽东), Zhōu Ēnlái (周恩来) et les pairs de Chine. Se tenir droit entre ces hommes avant que la mort ne le chasse du monde d’ici bas, tel était son dernier rêve. Ce moment n’eut jamais lieu. Quelques semaines plus tard, la mort l’emporta élégamment, sans trop de souffrance, d’un jet rapide.

Lire plus sur : http://www.chine-informations.com/actualite/le-dernier-reve-du-general-de-gaulle-venir-en-chine_61977.html



Ce que voulait de Gaulle en 1966

Avril 2008

En quittant le commandement militaire intégré de l’OTAN, le général de Gaulle cherchait moins à réformer l’Alliance qu’à redéployer la politique étrangère de la France en toute indépendance.
« La France considère que les changements accomplis ou en voie de l’être, depuis 1949, en Europe, en Asie et ailleurs, ainsi que l’évolution de sa propre situation et de ses propres forces ne justifient plus, pour ce qui la concerne, les dispositions d’ordre militaire prises après la conclusion de l’Alliance. » C’est ainsi que, le 7 mars 1966, Charles de Gaulle – réélu trois mois plus tôt président de la République, mais au suffrage universel direct, par 55 % des voix contre 45 % à François Mitterrand – annonce au président américain Lyndon Baines Johnson le retrait de Paris du commandement militaire intégré de l’Organisation du traité de l’Atlantique nord (OTAN, créée en 1949).
Concrètement, la France, précise le général, « se propose de recouvrer sur son territoire l’entier exercice de sa souveraineté, actuellement entamé par la présence permanente d’éléments militaires alliés ou par l’utilisation habituelle qui est faite de son ciel, de cesser sa participation aux commandements intégrés et de ne plus mettre de forces à la disposition de l’OTAN ».


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Latest News: Iraq, a boomerang for the United States




20 January 2008 – Al Qaeda and the “War on Terrorism”

July 17, 2012 – USA and Al Qaeda: Holy Alliance:

June 17, 2013 – Obama Lies America Into Another War:

September 25, 2013 – Breaking: Whistleblower Reveals U.S. State Dept. Ships Arms Directly to al-Qaeda
A former CIA gun runner revealed that the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, was killed in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in order to cover up the U.S. State Department’s direct arm shipments to al-Qaeda

December 16, 2013 – Al-Qaeda Now Has Weapons US Sent To Syria
For those worried that dumping US arms into the Al-Qaeda dominated Syrian opposition areas was a bad idea, you win. After President Obama bypassed a rule on funding terrorists, US arms began flowing to the Syrian opposition. The arms were, in some abysmally stupid theory, supposed to go to the “moderate” opposition only.

21.1.2014 – US secretly backs rebels to fight al-Qaeda in Syria: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/10588308/US-secretly-backs-rebels-to-fight-al-Qaeda-in-Syria.html

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Obama and Dr. Martin Luther King


It is difficult to compare Obama with Martin Luther King.

We can wonder what Martin would think of the war on Syria. This is really a hate campaign of the American government.



In 2010, the US made the largest arms sale in its history, selling $60 billion’s worth of jets and attack helicopters to the Arab kingdom. Saudi Arabia is also a major exporter of oil to the US, though its highly unlikely OPEC would support a slow down or boycott over the kingdom’s political gripes with the US. Israeli personnel in recent days were in Saudi Arabia to inspect bases that could be used as a staging ground to launch attacks against Iran, according to informed Egyptian intelligence officials…

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Anti-colonialism – Right to self-determination: Gamal Abdel Nasser


Gamal Abdel Nasser led the 1952 Egyptian revolution that overthrew the corrupt and ineffective monarchy of King Farouk. Nasser was born into a working-class family in Asyut province. His father was a postal clerk. Nasser graduated from the Royal Military Academy in Cairo and served in the Sudan. He fought in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War at Falluja, where Egyptian forces held out against Israel until the war’s end. After the 1948 war, Nasser and other junior officers blamed King Farouk for the war’s substandard weaponry and lack of military strategy.

Nasser was one of the founders of the secret Free Officers group that was determined to oust Farouk and set Egypt on a different path. Although the older and better-known Brigadier-General Muhammad Naguib was put forward to the public as the head of the officers’ group, Nasser was in fact the acknowledged leader. He was known for carefully listening to all viewpoints and then making decisions. On July 22, 1952, the Free Officers overthrew the monarchy in a practically bloodless coup d’état. A Revolutionary Command Council (RCC) was established with Naguib as its head. Nasser and Naguib clashed over whether to keep a parliamentary system or to establish a one-party state with populist support, a course Nasser favored. The majority of the officers favored Nasser, and a single party, the Liberation Rally, was established in 1953. After a failed assassination attempt on Nasser in 1954, the Muslim Brotherhood, with whom Naguib had close ties, was banned, and Naguib was removed from power. A new constitution was implemented in 1956 and Nasser was elected president by a huge majority of Egyptian voters. He was twice reelected to the position. A highly charismatic figure and a brilliant speaker in colloquial Arabic, Nasser was extremely popular with the majority of Egyptians and among average Arabs everywhere.

Not an ideologue, Nasser was a pragmatic political leader who sought to develop Egypt economically and socially. He moved toward socialism and the Soviet Union after his requests for military aid had been rebuffed by the United States. His regime jailed members of both the Egyptian Communist Party and the Muslim Brotherhood on the right.

After attending the Bandung Conference in 1955, Nasser joined with Jawaharlal Nehru of India and Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia in championing positive neutralism, in which Third World nations would not forge solid alliances with either the United States or the Soviet Union in the cold war but would instead act in their own best interests. Neither of the superpowers liked this approach, but the United States was particularly hostile to it. Steering a neutral course, Nasser opposed the Western-led CENTO/Baghdad Pact and opposed Arab regimes such as the Hashemite monarchies in Iraq and Jordan and the conservative, extremely pro-Western Saudi Arabian monarchy.

Nasser also spoke of Egypt belonging to three circles: the Arab, African, and Islamic worlds. Under Nasser, Egypt became a center for African and Arab political leaders and students. Although he was personally a devout Muslim, Nasser was committed to secular government and persecuted Islamists, particularly the Muslim Brotherhood, which sought to establish a state based on Muslim religious law and practice.

Like all Arab leaders, Nasser supported the Palestinian cause and their right to self-determination. He permitted some fedayeen (self-sacrificers) guerrilla attacks from the Egyptian-administered Gaza Strip in Israel, but he also recognized the superiority of Israel’s military. Consequently he initially sought, through back channels, to negotiate settlements to the conflict with Israel. Israel insisted on face-to-face negotiations, and the attempts all failed.

In 1956 after the United States had refused to grant aid for building the Aswān Dam, Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal. The nationalization led to the 1956 Arab-Israeli War, in which Great Britain, France, and Israel jointly attacked Egypt. The war was a military loss for Egypt but a political victory after which Nasser became indisputably the most popular man in the entire Arab world.

During the so-called Arab cold war Nasser’s influence dominated the liberal, progressive, and socialist governments in Syria and elsewhere, versus the conservative pro-Western monarchies, including Jordan and Saudi Arabia. With the formation of the United Arab Republic of Egypt and Syria in 1958, Nasser perhaps reached the peak of his popularity.

Following the devastating military losses in the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, Nasser accepted responsibility and resigned. Massive and generally spontaneous public demonstrations calling for his return led him to resume the Egyptian presidency, but he never regained the unquestioning support throughout the Arab world that he had previously enjoyed.

In 1970 Nasser was called upon to mediate a truce between the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and King Hussein of Jordan in the bloody war between the two. Shortly thereafter he suffered a massive heart attack, in part brought on by the tensions of the negotiation, and died in late September. Although Nasser was mistrusted and opposed in most of the West and Israel, millions of mourning Egyptians joined his funeral cortege. The legacy of Nasserism, secular pan-Arab nationalism, and state-directed socialism, spread throughout most of the Arab world during Nasser’s lifetime, but declined and, except in Lebanon, largely diminished after his death.


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Latest News Syria: constructive relation with China


PM stresses Syria’s commitment to enhance relations with China

Damascus, Jan 23, 2014 (SANA) – Prime Minister, Wael al-Halqi, discussed with a delegation from the Chinese company CAMC the agreements signed with several government and private sides in the field of expanding electric power plants and developing Hama tires factory and the possibility of building 12,000 housing units for the displaced people and other 25,000 housing units.

The Prime Minister pointed out that the factors of security and stability which have started to be witnessed in various areas of Syria encourage launching construction, development and service projects in cooperation with Chinese companies, particularly in the field of electric power, housing, telecommunications, airports, ports and railways.

Al-Halqi hailed the firm political stances of China in support of Syria at the international forums, pointing out to the victories achieved by the Syrian Arab Army over the terrorists and restoring security and stability to all Syrian territories in coincidence with the government’s measures in confronting the economic, media and cultural war.

For his part, CAMC regional director pointed out to the comfortable and suitable atmosphere for investment in Syria, expressing the company’s readiness to launch several projects in Syria in various fields.



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