Obama and Dr. Martin Luther King


It is difficult to compare Obama with Martin Luther King.

We can wonder what Martin would think of the war on Syria. This is really a hate campaign of the American government.



In 2010, the US made the largest arms sale in its history, selling $60 billion’s worth of jets and attack helicopters to the Arab kingdom. Saudi Arabia is also a major exporter of oil to the US, though its highly unlikely OPEC would support a slow down or boycott over the kingdom’s political gripes with the US. Israeli personnel in recent days were in Saudi Arabia to inspect bases that could be used as a staging ground to launch attacks against Iran, according to informed Egyptian intelligence officials…

About kruitvat

I am working for the Belgian human rights association 'Werkgroep Morkhoven' which revealed the Zandvoort childporn case (88.539 victims). The case was covered up by the authorities. During the past years I have been really shocked by the way the rich countries of the western empire want to rule the world. One of my blogs: «Latest News Syria» (WordPress)/ Je travaille pour le 'Werkgroep Morkhoven', un groupe d'action qui a révélé le réseau pornographique d'enfants 'Zandvoort' (88.539 victims). Cette affaire a été couverte par les autorités. Au cours des dernières années, j'ai été vraiment choqué par la façon dont l'Occident et les pays riches veulent gouverner le monde. Un de mes blogs: «Latest News Syria» (WordPress)/ Ik werk voor de Werkgroep Morkhoven die destijds de kinderpornozaak Zandvoort onthulde (88.539 slachtoffers). Deze zaak werd door de overheid op een misdadige manier toegedekt. Gedurende de voorbije jaren was ik werkelijke geschokt door de manier waarop het rijke westen de wereld wil overheersen. Bezoek onze blog «Latest News Syria» (WordPress) ------- Photo: victims of the NATO-bombings on the Chinese embassy in Yougoslavia
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4 Responses to Obama and Dr. Martin Luther King

  1. kruitvat says:

    Top Story

    President Obama and Dr. King

    It’s been 29 years since President Reagan signed the law to create a national holiday in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.

    This year for the first time, however, those who wish to honor Dr. King on the holiday will be able gather in celebration at his memorial on the National Mall in Washington, DC.

    Seven years ago, then-Senator Obama spoke at the groundbreaking for the memorial.

    And back in October, the President spoke at its dedication, where he described the way that Dr. King continues to inspire new generations to work to fulfill his legacy:

    He would not give up, no matter how long it took, because in the smallest hamlets and the darkest slums, he had witnessed the highest reaches of the human spirit; because in those moments when the struggle seemed most hopeless, he had seen men and women and children conquer their fear; because he had seen hills and mountains made low and rough places made plain, and the crooked places made straight and God make a way out of no way.
    And that is why we honor this man –- because he had faith in us. And that is why he belongs on this Mall -– because he saw what we might become. That is why Dr. King was so quintessentially American — because for all the hardships we’ve endured, for all our sometimes tragic history, ours is a story of optimism and achievement and constant striving that is unique upon this Earth. And that is why the rest of the world still looks to us to lead. This is a country where ordinary people find in their hearts the courage to do extraordinary things; the courage to stand up in the face of the fiercest resistance and despair and say this is wrong, and this is right; we will not settle for what the cynics tell us we have to accept and we will reach again and again, no matter the odds, for what we know is possible.


  2. kruitvat says:

    What would Martin Luther King Jr. say about Obama’s war in Syria?

  3. kruitvat says:

    Nobel Peace Laureate: Syrian people have the right for self-determination

    Oct 22, 2013

    By Mairead MAGUIRE (Northern Ireland)

    Nobel Peace Laureate: Syrian people have the right for self-determination
    XIII World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, Warsaw, Poland.
    October, 2l-23, 2013
    Peace in Syria: Speech by Mairead Maguire in Warsaw, Poland. Oct.2013
    Dear Friends,
    In May, 2013 I led a 16 person peace delegation into Syria at the invitation of Mussalaha National Movement in what we witnessed happening inside Syria was not fairly depicted in the International media which was not reporting gross violations against international law and humanitarian international law by foreign countries and fighters that are using a proxy war for the purpose of Regime change and geo-strategical benefits. We would remind those foreign governments who are training and funding foreign fighters that it is illegal under United Nations Charter to arm forces to topple elected governments. During our visit we witnessed that the civilian population was and still is, suffering the invasion of thousands of foreign fighters from many countries, who are fuelling insecurity, death, chaos, and destruction everywhere. The ongoing tension in Syria is fuelled by sectarian violent Islamic ideology that pushes Rebels to the cruelest acts of barbarism against their opponents. This invasion of Syria by outside forces has caused one of the greatest humanitarian crises since World War Two. Over l00,000 people dead, thousands internally displaced and over a million refugees fleeing Syria into surrounding countries. It is important that the UN and all international bodies, and host countries, continue to give as much help to the Syrian refugees who lives have been shattered by this ongoing humanitarian tragedy.
    We lament the international media propaganda coverage of the Syrian crisis that did not report the truth of what was happening in Syria, but rather gave a false narrative of the true situation inside Syria. We lament that Syria has been weakened by so much violence of insurgency groups and has been led down the path of sectarian violence instigated by the west and some gulf states. The media has a responsibility to expose the information warfare that is being carried out, through fake videos, lies, and propaganda, and are using the suffering of the Syrian people, in a most cruel form to appeal to the emotions of international community in an attempt to get further support in funding and arms and try to force the world community to military intervention. However, in spite of the information war being carry out by rebels and some proxy human rights groups many people around the world remembering Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya, don’t trust the simplistic narrative being fed to them by mainstream media are saying no to military intervention and yes to supporting the reconciliation and peace movement and political dialogue as a way to solving the conflict.
    We support the courage of the High Commission for Human Rights for its endeavour to conduct fact finding mission to unveil the terrible reality of the Syrian crisis and help prevent the ongoing ethnic, religious and political cleansing that is happening in this country in the name of freedom and democracy.
    The Syrian state should not be dismantled and the economic sanctions that are causing much suffering to the people of Syria should be lifted immediately. No outside military intervention or support for militants should be allowed. The International community should put pressure on those countries who are fuelling terror to stop and should encourage all parties to attend the Geneva II peace conference to give the Syrian people the right to self-determination through legal elections without foreign interference to achieve an honourable transformation towards a peaceful future and participation in the free democratic world. We applaud the work of the chemical weapons team to destroy Syrian chemical weapons, and we hope it will work for the destruction of all chemical weapons, including Israel’s. The continued negotiations, which should include Syria and regional governments, should be fully supported by the west. This will include talking to President Assad’s government and opposition forces in order to reach a negotiated settlement. The issue is not who talks to who, but how quickly can all parties to the conflict, talk together in order to save lives and save Syria from being further destroyed and divided. We encourage all those who are using violence to stop and to participate in peaceful dialogue now to save Syria.
    There is a growing recognition that there will not be a military and paramilitary solution to the Syrian conflict or the Middle East conflict, but only through dialogue and negotiation can peace be reached.
    We pay tribute to the great work of so many of the religious leaders, both Muslim and Christian, and to many in the Syrian Civil society who in spite of so much suffering have continued to bravely work for an end to violence and engage in dialogue with everyone.
    We would encourage people to give support to Mother Agnes Mariam and the Mussalaha national movement in Syria working with all the componentsof the Syrian society for peace, forgiveness and reconciliation as a preparation for a final political settlement for the people of Syria.
    Mrs. Mairead Maguire, the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and currently a spokesperson for Mussalaha International Reconciliation Movement in Syria.


  4. kruitvat says:

    President Obama is Not the Realization Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Dream

    January 16, 2013

    On Tuesday, Wil Haygood, a noted columnist for the Washington Post, published an article entitled “Inauguration Will Cement Ties Between Obama, Martin Luther King Jr.” The article continues a line of rhetoric that places President Obama as the paradigmatic representation of Dr. King’s dream as articulated in Dr. King’s 1963 “I have a dream” speech. To say anymore than Dr. King would be happy to see President Obama, or any person of African descent, take the presidential oath of office overstates President Obama’s effectualizing of Dr. King’s dream, and undermines Dr. King’s position.

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. lived and died agitating on issues that President Obama has barely mentioned in his first four years as president. Before I go any further, I want to be clear that I am not blaming or harping on President Obama, this critique is intended for writers and thought leaders like Wil Haygood that want so desperately for Dr. King’s dream to be realized that they will hitch it to anything that comes marginally close. Haygood quotes Rev. Jesse Jackson stating, “‘President Obama represents the last lap of this unfinished race’ to achieve equality.” Such a statement forces me to ponder, whose race and what finish line are we supposedly crossing?

    The euphoria around President Obama’s re-election has yet again blinded some from the reality for most black people in America. The wealth gap in the United States between the “haves” and the “have-nots” has widened under President Obama and continues to do so. The average black boy or girl in any urban city is still more likely to dropout of school, be incarcerated, and continue the cycle of poverty than their peers. The democratic process has become less democratic with gerrymandered districts creating safe seats that will keep the political stage exactly as it is. There have been no major policy initiatives to address poverty, educational inequity (no, Race to the Top does not count as a major policy initiative), wealth disparities, or institutional racism. The United States Supreme Court is posed to end affirmative action as we know it with its upcoming ruling in Fisher v. University of Texas and threatens to end the most important enforcement provision in the 1965 Voting Rights Act. And yet, given this nightmarish environment some in the African-American community look to President Obama as the realization of a dream that was so salient that it has survived the span of five decades. It is unfair to President Obama and it stamps a “mission accomplished” sign on a race still being run, which is more egregious than President Bush’s “mission accomplished” flap in the middle of the current “war on terror.”

    What is most troubling about the equating of President Obama to the realization of Dr. King’s dream is the sense of complacency that it justifies for members of the black community. We have not arrived, the mission is not accomplished, we are not in the “last lap,” we are merely out of the starting blocks. Furthermore, President Obama is not the person with whom all of our aspirations should lie. His job is to run the country and a part of running the country is being responsive to the passionate desires of the country. Can you hear the passionate desires of the black community? Neither can I, they have been silenced by the idea that President Obama is the dreamkeeper. Can you hear the passionate desires of the Hispanic community? Absolutely. Immigration reform is constantly rolling off the tongue of both sides of the political aisle, including President Obama. Can you hear the passionate desires of the LGBT community? Yes, and those desires are not likely to be denied by even a conservative Supreme Court by June of this year. These communities have not stopped agitating, but telling the black community that President Obama is “what we’ve been waiting for,” has the effect of communicating that our work is done.

    Furthermore, equating Dr. King’s dream to President Obama’s presidency is unacceptable because of what it communicates to the rest of America. When the black community embraces the idea that the most aspirational goals set forth in Dr. King’s dream have been achieved it paves the way for the disbanding of affirmative action, the reduction in inner city school funding, and cutting back on programs that aid the impoverished. In effect it gives license to the holistic untruth that African-Americans have achieved some semblance of equality in the United States.

    Let me be clear, President Obama’s re-election is a cause for celebration for the black community, but it is not the solidification of President Obama as the realization of Dr. King’s dream. Dr. King’s dream was and continues to be much bigger, more comprehensive, and more powerful than President Obama’s second term. Haygood is right in as much as he claims that President Obama is connected in a meaningful way to Dr. King’s legacy; but while President Obama and the Washington elite recover from the inaugural balls next Tuesday morning, a little black boy in Atlanta will go to a failing school with an empty stomach, and he too is an heir to Dr. King’s legacy.


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