Iraq: Festival of Supporting Syria and Palestine


Festival of Supporting Syria and Jerusalem Kicks off in Baghdad 

May 12, 2013

Activities of the “Supporting Syria and Jerusalem” Festival kicked off on Saturday, organized by the Iraqi National Committee for Supporting Resistance and Iraqi Arab Popular Committee for Supporting Syria and the Resistance.

The Festival, which last until May 25, started with a symposium during which Security General of Iraqi National Founding Conference, Sheikh Jawad al-Khalisi delivered a speech in which he stressed the strong connection between the occupation of Palestine and the global conspiracy targeting Syria with its resistance approach.

 Al-Khalisi noted that before Syria, Iraq, Libya and Egypt have already been targeted, stressing that this targeting aims to eliminate the most prominent sources of power for the liberation of Palestine “which are represented by the Arab armies that have the ability to achieve liberation.”

 Al-Khalisi added during the symposium, which was held at the university of al-Alm city in the presence of national and pan-Arab forces, that the crimes committed by the terrorist groups in Syria provide a great service to the Zionist entity to continue its occupation of the Palestinian territories, affirming that the way to free all Islamic sanctities comes through the unity of all Arab resistance movents.

Head of the Iraqi Popular Committee for Supporting Syria and Resistance, Abdul-rida al-Hamid said had the money which was spent on initiatives and conferences under the slogans of ‘liberation’ been put at the disposal of the Resistance, Palestine would have been liberated a long time ago.

“The only real compass for liberating Palestine is the compass of the resisting Syria,” added al-Hami, pointing out that the only way to achieve this liberation is through the unity of the rifle of the Syrian Arab Army with that of the resistance in Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq.

B. Mousa  / H. Said

About kruitvat

I am working for the Belgian human rights association 'Werkgroep Morkhoven' which revealed the Zandvoort childporn case (88.539 victims). The case was covered up by the authorities. During the past years I have been really shocked by the way the rich countries of the western empire want to rule the world. One of my blogs: «Latest News Syria» (WordPress)/ Je travaille pour le 'Werkgroep Morkhoven', un groupe d'action qui a révélé le réseau pornographique d'enfants 'Zandvoort' (88.539 victims). Cette affaire a été couverte par les autorités. Au cours des dernières années, j'ai été vraiment choqué par la façon dont l'Occident et les pays riches veulent gouverner le monde. Un de mes blogs: «Latest News Syria» (WordPress)/ Ik werk voor de Werkgroep Morkhoven die destijds de kinderpornozaak Zandvoort onthulde (88.539 slachtoffers). Deze zaak werd door de overheid op een misdadige manier toegedekt. Gedurende de voorbije jaren was ik werkelijke geschokt door de manier waarop het rijke westen de wereld wil overheersen. Bezoek onze blog «Latest News Syria» (WordPress) ------- Photo: victims of the NATO-bombings on the Chinese embassy in Yougoslavia
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