Latest News Syria: Journalist Yara Abbas Laid to Rest (1)


Martyr Journalist Yara Abbas Laid to Rest

Yara Abbas, a prominent female Syrian, 26, who worked for the privately-owned Damascus-based Al-Ikhbariyah TV (Syrian News Channel), was killed by sniper fire.

May 29, 2013

Final tribute was paid to martyr journalist Yara Abbas, the reporter of al-Ikhbariya TV channel, who was assassinated Monday by the gunfire of the armed terrorist groups while covering the Armed Forces’ operations near al-Daba’a airport in al-Qseir in Homs countryside.

Abbas was escorted from al-Zaeem Hospital in Homs to her final resting place in Nisaf village in Masyaf area in Hama amid wide official, civil and popular participation.

Abbas was received with flowers and rice by the residents of the villages in Masyaf area who chanted slogans stressing support for Syria, the Syrian Army and the martyrs.

The speeches delivered at the funeral ceremony stressed that martyr Abbas and all martyrs of Syria will remain “in the mind and hearts” of all the Syrians.

The speakers hailed the courage and professionality of martyr Abbas which she showed by insisting on conveying the truth from the battleground alongside the Syrian Army members.

They affirmed that the “hateful terrorism” which hit Syria will be defeated thanks to the Syrian people’s will and the strength of the Syrian Army.

Afterwards, funeral prayers were performed for the repose of the martyr’s soul and the music of the “Farewell” and the “Martyr” was played.

The funeral ceremony was attended by the governors of Homs and Tartous provinces, secretaries of Tartous and Hama branches of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party, Commander of the Central Region and Christian and Islamic and cultural, social and civil figures in Homs and Hama.

Information Minister Receives Condolences Cables from Russia and Yemen

Meanwhile, the Information Ministry continued receiving cables of condolences over the martyrdom of journalist Abbas.

Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi received a condolences cable from Russia’s Ambassador in Damascus Azmatullah Kulmohammadov in which the ambassador strongly condemned what he described “a heinous crime”.

The cable considered this crime and all the terrorist acts targeting the Syrian citizens as “lying outside the framework of human morals that are unjustifiable,” expressing the Russian Embassy’s condolences to the family of martyr Abbas.

Minister al-Zoubi also received a condolences cable from the Charge d’Affaires at the Yemeni Embassy in Damascus, Mohammad Faraj al-Shuhoubi, who expressed his condolences over “the continued attack against the journalists and patriotic Syrians.”

Al-Shuhoubi expressed the Embassy’s condolences to the family of martyr Abbas.

English Bulletin

About kruitvat

I am working for the Belgian human rights association 'Werkgroep Morkhoven' which revealed the Zandvoort childporn case (88.539 victims). The case was covered up by the authorities. During the past years I have been really shocked by the way the rich countries of the western empire want to rule the world. One of my blogs: «Latest News Syria» (WordPress)/ Je travaille pour le 'Werkgroep Morkhoven', un groupe d'action qui a révélé le réseau pornographique d'enfants 'Zandvoort' (88.539 victims). Cette affaire a été couverte par les autorités. Au cours des dernières années, j'ai été vraiment choqué par la façon dont l'Occident et les pays riches veulent gouverner le monde. Un de mes blogs: «Latest News Syria» (WordPress)/ Ik werk voor de Werkgroep Morkhoven die destijds de kinderpornozaak Zandvoort onthulde (88.539 slachtoffers). Deze zaak werd door de overheid op een misdadige manier toegedekt. Gedurende de voorbije jaren was ik werkelijke geschokt door de manier waarop het rijke westen de wereld wil overheersen. Bezoek onze blog «Latest News Syria» (WordPress) ------- Photo: victims of the NATO-bombings on the Chinese embassy in Yougoslavia
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